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Приёмная кампания 2024!
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Школа юного лингвиста
Весенняя школа региональных исследований
Олимпиада «Школа Максимовича»
Конкурс слоганов «ИноСТРАННЫЙ? С наставником!»
Межрегиональная олимпиада «Переводческий марафон»
Профориентационая модель «Docendo discimus»
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Диссертационный совет
Вестник ТвГУ. Серия «Филология»
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Семестровое обучение в университетах-партнерах
Международные проекты
Международные образовательные поездки
Международное культурное сотрудничество
Блог посланника города Твери в Оснабрюке



Herald of Tver State University, Academic Journal, founded in 2003.


Herald of Tver State University Series: Philology is a peer-reviewed refereed academic journal focusing on advanced fundamental and empirical research in various areas of sciences and humanities. Full-text issues are available in the repository of Tver StateUniversity library and at the web-site of scientific digital library eLIBRARY.

Registered by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR).               ПИ №ФС77-61036 of March 5, 2015.

By the decision of the Panel of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles “Herald of Tver State University: Series Philology” is listed as Russian refereed scholarly journal publishing fundamental results of dissertation theses submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences (# 574 approved on 30.11.2018).

The journal publishes four issues a year. Contents and abstracts for 2013 and 2014 issues are available on-line at this webpage.


Вестник 2013 №1 (рус) Вестник 2013 №1 (Eng) Вестник 2014 №1 (рус) Вестник 2014 №1 (Eng)
Вестник 2013 №2 (рус) Вестник 2013 №2 (Eng) Вестник 2014 №2 (рус)   Вестник 2014 №2 (Eng) 
Вестник 2013 №3 (рус) Вестник 2013 №3 (Eng) Вестник 2014 №3 (рус) Вестник 2014 №3 (Eng)
Вестник 2013 №4 (рус) Вестник 2013 №4 (Eng) Вестник 2014 №4 (рус) Вестник 2014 №4 (Eng)
Вестник 2013 №5 (рус) Вестник 2013 №5 (Eng)    


Editorial Board of Series Philology:

V.A. Milovidov (Editor in Chief), Doctor of Philology, Professor; I.V. Gladilina, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor (Deputy Editor in Chief); M.V. Oborina Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor (Executive Secretary); E.N. Bryzgalova, Doctor of Philology, Professor; I.S. Borozdina, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor (Kursk); V.V. Volkov, Doctor of Philology, Professor; A.V. Gulin, Doctor of Philology, Professor (Moscow); N.V. Dmitryuk, Doctor of Philology, Professor (Kazakhstan); Yu.V. Domansky, Doctor of Philology, Professor (Moscow); N.Yu. Zheltova, Doctor of Philology, Professor (Tambov); C. Ivanova Doctor of Philology, Professor (Bulgaria); A.A. Zalevskaya, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honoured Scientist of RF; N.O. Zolotova, Doctor of Philology, Professor; N.F. Kryukova, Doctor of Philology, Professor; I.V. Kartashova, Doctor of Philology, Professor; N.I. Kurganova, Doctor of Philology, Professor (Byelorussia); V.A. Milovidov, Doctor of Philology, Professor; S.V. Mkrtychyan, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor; B.Ya. Misonzhnikov, Doctor of Philology, Professor (St.Petersburg); N.V. Mokhamed, Doctor of Philology, Professor (Austria); E.Yu. Myagkova, Doctor of Philology, Professor (Kursk);  S.Yu. Nikolaeva, Doctor of Philology, Professor; L.N. Skakovskaya, Doctor of Philology, Professor; S.A. Chugunova, Doctor of Philology, Professor (Bryansk).


Contact information for the Editorial Board of Herald of TVGU Series: Philology (managing editors)

Russia, 170100, Tver, Zheliabov Str. 33, office 207.

Tver State University, tel. +7 (4822) 34-46-56

Editor in Chief: Milovidov Victor A.; e-mail: Milovidov.VA@tversu.ru 

Managing Editor, Issues #1 and #3: Gladilina Irina V., Deputy Editor in Chief, e-mail: igladilina@yandex.ru. Focus and scope of issues: literary studies, journalism, linguistics. Printed matters submission should be addressed to: 170002, Tver, Tchaikovsky Ave. 70, TVGU, Department of Philology, Gladilina I.V.

Managing Editor, Issues #2 and #4: Oborina Marina V., Executive Secretary, e-mail: mobor@mail.ru. Focus and scope of issues: linguistics, intercultural communication, translation studies, bilingualism. Printed matters should be submitted to: 170100, Tver, Zhelyabov Str. 33, TVGU, Department of Modern Languages and International Communication, Oborina M.V.

Papers submitted for the current issue of the journal should comply with standard paper template. The template and submission guidelines are available as documents and should be used in the process of paper preparation. The formatting instructions should be strictly followed including indents, intervals, size and font type. Both header and footer (page numbering) are filled out by the editor (authors should leave both header and footer blank).

Standard Template for paper submissions and PUBLICATION OF ARTICLES can be downloaded here.

Style Guide for References can be downloaded here.

References are numbered and listed in the reference section in the alphabetical order by author's names (Russian language first). When referring to a source in the text, only the numeral enclosed in square brackets is used for identification (i.e., : [12: 45]). All references are collected in a reference section at the end of the main text. See the document style guide for reference formatting instructions.

Copyright Agreement template can be downloaded here. The Copyright Agreement should be filled out and signed to be submitted along with the printed out variant of the paper.

Research papers submitted by post-graduate students should be accompanied by the recommendation of their research advisors. No processing fee is required.


  1. All papers sent to “Herald of Tver State Univesity. Series: Philology” are subject to an obligatory review. 
  2. An expert evaluation of articles is carried out by members of the Editorial Board and also by invited reviewers – leading specialists in the particular area. All reviewers are recognized specialists in the area of the material being reviewed and have over the past 3 years published materials on the theme of the article under review. The Editorial Board chooses the reviewer. The review takes up to one month. The original review is kept in the editorial office for 5 years. 
  3. The editors of the journal send the authors of articles copies of the reviews or justification for refusal, and are also responsible for sending copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on receipt of a request for it.
  4. If the review contains recommendation on the correction and improvement of an article, the editors send the author the text of the article with the reviewer’s comments, suggesting that they be accepted or rejected (giving reasons) when preparing a new version of the article. Revision of the article must take not more than 14 days from the author being sent an electronic message about the necessity to make some alterations to the text. The revised version of the article will be appraised by the editors and, if necessary, sent for another review. 
  5. If authors refuse to revise the materials they must in written or oral form notify the editors of their refusal to have the article published. If an insoluble disagreement about the manuscript arises between the author and reviewer, the Editorial Board has the right to have the manuscript sent for another review. 
  6. The decision to publish articles is taken at a meeting of the Editorial Board in accordance with the recommendations of the reviewers. Articles not recommended for publication will not be reconsidered. 
  7. When an article is accepted for publication the author will be informed and given the proposed date of publication



Адрес: 170100, г. Тверь, ул. Желябова, 33

Деканат: +7 (4822) 34-46-56

Email: rgf@tversu.ru

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